What will we do

My this blog is not an extensive PHP tutorial where you will get everything about PHP. I will rather follow a basic classroom approach where I will develop a basic PHP web application step by step along with you and you will get an idea of how some basic web technology functionality can be handled and implemented in PHP.

For this blog we are going to develop a simple website where

  1. User will be able to register
  2. After registration user will have to Activate account
  3. After Activation user will be able to login into secured area of the website

Before starting developing any website or web application scoping is the most mandatory thing you should do. By scoping I meant listing out the functionality clearly in bullet points and understand them clearly first.

Try to visualize the web site with the listed functionality implemented and think about possible information you will be needing more.

The above specification is the most common specification in almost every website development requirement and the basic functionality we will be implementing here are the base for any web based application.

I will come back with possible questions and details we will be needing more apart from the given one liners in next part but before hitting it try to think and list few questions by yourself.

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