Some Words we need to know

First lets go through meaning of the words we will be hearing throughout the period of this post.

What is PHP:

PHP stands for surprisingly Hypertext Pre-Processor. Now I will keep aside the meaning of each of those keywords and define PHP as a simple Server side Scripting language.

Server Side Script:

In my previous definition I mentioned this jargon "Server Side Scripting". This simply means PHP is a scripting language (as of now just understand that it is a programming language) which resides and runs on server. You cannot see these codes in view source of the page. I will explain this later.

Web Server

In a simple web technology a Server means where your codes and logical and business functions reside. Different web technology will have different types of servers. For PHP we will use simple Apache web server.

Document Root

This is the location on the server where you will be placing your files for your web site. Web Server looks and gets files from Document root.

PHP Interpreter

PHP Interpreter is the actual PHP libraries which does interpret the PHP codes and executes. 

Data Base Server

Data base are simply the storage place for your application. If you are building a simple web site where users will register and then will login with credentials then you will need to store the details user is providing at the time of registration. We will be storing those in database. Here I will use MySql database server.


Browsers are applications through which users access internet / web pages. For example it can be Internet Explorer , Chrome or Firefox. Browser is the only interaction point between our application and user. Our code or script will be presented to user via browser.

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