User Registration - Components

Any web application will have 3 major parts. So our module also will be needing these 3
  1. User Interface - Web page and forms that users will see and fill up during registration
  2. Data Base Components - To hold user data
  3. PHP Code - To perform all operations. To be clear to create a bridge between user interface and back end database.
So depending on your requirement we will work on developing each of these components and they together will make the User Registration module work.

1. First we will create a HTML file : signup.html which will have a form with fields to fill up during registration and a Register button.

2. Then we will create a database table named user_master in MySql server to hold user details.

3. That Register button when clicked the flow will go to a PHP file/page named registration.php
 This PHP file will have necessary PHP codes to get the information filled in form in signup.html and then it will process further to insert into the database.

Once inserted successfully the PHP page will show a success message to user and also will send an email to user's email address with link to Activate the account.

In case there is already any user with the same email address then it will show an error.

So now we can identify all the 3 components of web technology with what we are developing for our Module. 

In case you are not able to follow here is the mapping

1. User Interface - Signup.html

2. Database Component - user_master table

3. PHP Code - registration.php

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