User Registration - Questions

Lets start with the first functionality that is "User Registration". As I mentioned in previous post that the information provided in requirement is not adequate. "User Registration" doesn't tell us what are the information we need to collect from users at the time of registration. Also it doesn't tell us among those information what are the mandatory or required information.

So lets ask the questions.

1. What all attributes we need to collect during registration?
2. What all are the required among those?

To keep our system very simple below are the answers

1. The information users need to provide during registration

  • Email Address
  • Password
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • City
2. All the information are mandatory

Following these information now another important question will rise is "Can two different user login with same email address?" Answer : No

Now we got enough information to start working on User Registration module.

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