Install and Configuration AMP

AMP a new term for you. This is abbreviated form for Apache - MySql - PHP stack together. I am assuming you are a regular PC user who uses MS Windows. Configuring steps each of the above components separately and on linux system can be found on google easily and I am not pulling that here. I will rather suggest installing WAMP  on your Windows machine. WAMP is a combined single installation EXE for Apache Server , MySql and PHP on Windows and it is free.

Installation is pretty simple and straight forward. While installing it will ask you 2 things

1. SMTP host details : This is for mail server so that your application can send mail. if you have a SMTP server provide the details else leave as it is.

2. WWW location: This is the document root. That means where your web applications will reside. I prefer to choose it ../wamp/www

Once installation is done you will be seeing an icon for Wamp Server. Click on "Start WampServer" icon.

Once clicked it will appear on your Tool Tray. Initially it will be Amber / red then gradually it will turn Green. Green means both of the services (MySql and Apache) have been started and running successfully.

Once turned green hit the url http://localhost/ and you should see your server's home page as below.

WAMP Server Home Page

Test PhpMyAdmin by hitting url http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and you should see a screen like below

PHPMyAdmin Home Page

If you are able to see above 2 pages then you are good with WAMP server installation and can proceed with next steps.

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